Feb. 24, 2020

The Real Estate Mindset with Steven Pesavento

Learn how Steven’s focus on mindset and team building has led to his rapid growth personally and professionally, find out the valuable mindset advice that will help you get started and make it in the real estate industry, and know more about the real est...

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Property Profits Real Estate Podcast

Learn how Steven’s focus on mindset and team building has led to his rapid growth personally and professionally, find out the valuable mindset advice that will help you get started and make it in the real estate industry, and know more about the real estate strategies he implemented to get to where he is today.




Steven Pesavento is a Real Estate investor who’s bought and sold over 150 properties in two states in just two years. He is also the host of The Investor Mindset Podcast, where he shares lessons on motivation & mindset from some of the top investors and entrepreneurs in the nation.     In this episode, Steven talks about the importance of mindset in achieving what you want in life especially in the real estate industry. He shares nuggets of wisdom about getting clarity and the importance of finding your “whys” and getting aligned with them. 

Topics Covered: 

  • 01:18 – How he charted a path in real estate 
  • 03:20 – What strategy he focused on that quicken his success in just two years time 
  • 09:20 – What his “The Investor Mindset Podcast” is all about” 
  • 12:35 – How to figure out your “Why” and why they need to be focused on your “Why” 
  • 16:00 – One valuable piece of advice about the importance of taking action 

Key Takeaways: 

” I’ve essentially fired myself from all of my projects when I started so that I had no other option but to succeed.” – Steven Pesavento 

“I think there’s something really valuable about burning the boats, about going all-in on something, about deciding that no matter what happens, I’m going to find a way. And once you get that kind of certainty in your head, things start happening. Really good things start happening.” – Steven Pesavento 

“I encourage investors who are new to the game or looking to transition into another space to come to the table with one of two things: value in the form of I’m going to give time, effort, energy, knowledge, and you’ve got to give way more of that. Two, you got to pay for it, get some mentors or coaches.” – Steven Pesavento 

” I encourage you, if you don’t have money, you just figure out a way that you can add more value than anyone else to a person. And I promise you that they’re going to want to take you under their wing.” – Steven Pesavento 

“The reason why mindset is so important is that I was able to take off and do 75 deals in my first year, 35 of them full-blown flips in two different States.” – Steven Pesavento 

“What I ended up taking away from this process is that when I talk to other investors, the biggest thing that holds them back in their mind. It’s their beliefs, the thoughts, and beliefs which ended up leading to the action that they take or don’t take in their life.” – Steven Pesavento 

“Investing is hard. It’s a pretty simple business, but it’s not always easy. The thing that differentiates the people who succeed versus the people that don’t is that they’ve got a really clear purpose so that no matter how many times they get knocked down, they’re going to get back up again and they’re thinking the right kind of thoughts that end up leading to them having some really clear focus and really clear action in their business.” – Steven Pesavento 

“Learning is worthless if you’re not going to actually apply it. ” – Steven Pesavento 

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